Builders Express are trusted IBR Roof Sheeting suppliers in Zimbabwe, supplying construction companies and individuals in and around Harare, Zimbabwe with quality steel building products
IBR roof sheeting is a square fluted profile with an effective covering width of 686mm, designed for use as side cladding or roofing material in commercial, industrial and residential buildings. The name IBR is abbreviated from “Inverted Box Rib” and has become a household name in the Zimbabwean building industry.
The deep, broad flute design offers excellent drainage characteristics combined with optimum weight versus load/span capabilities. Builders Express’s IBR sheeting can be factory cranked, curved and bullnosed to various radii depending on customer’s requirements.
Structural Guidelines
IBR roof sheets are available in a wide range of materials displaying various structural properties.It should be noted that the load span characteristics are only to be used as a broad guideline as purlin spacings are dependant on other factors such as:
- Prevailing winds in a certain area,
- Snow during winter periods,
We therefore recommend that a qualified engineer be consulted to determine the purlin spacing for a specific application.
Chromadek Roofing Sheets and IBR Roofing Sheets Prices in Zimbabwe |
The permissible length tolerance for the standard-length range will be -0 +5mm. Sheets outside of these parameters are available on request and might be subject to special pricing arrangements.
The maximum height which can be transported is 4,3 m. This factor should be considered when bullnoses and curves are designed.
Roof pitch
When using IBR, the recommended minimum pitch is 7.5° for roof slopes in excess of 30m and 5° for slopes less than 30m. When IBR roof sheets are end-lapped the roof pitch should be considered. The minimum end laps for roof pitches in excess of 15° is 150 mm and for other roofs a minimum of 250 mm is recommended. End laps for side sheeting should be at least 100 mm. It is recommended that end and side laps on low pitch roofs be sealed to ensure water tightness.Installation procedure
The required number of IBR sheets can be calculated as follows:
Number of sheets= Length of building ÷ 0.686 mm (Cover width of sheet)
Roof sheets must be laid with the narrow flute of one corrugation side lap uppermost and should be fixed through the crests of alternate flutes to purlins using 65 mm Top Speed or Tex screws into steel purlins and 90 mm Tex or Top speed screws in the case of timber roofs. All fasteners should incorporate 26 mm dia bonded washers.
For vertical wall cladding (side cladding) it is recommended that the broad fluted be fixed externally with the main and side lap fasteners in the web of the flutes. Side cladding can be fixed using 25 mm Tex or Top Speed screws. All fasteners should incorporate 26 mm dia bonded washers.
In order to qualify for a guarantee on Zincalume® and Colorbond® sheets the following fasteners supplied by Buildex Industries should be used:
Metaltex Climaseal 3 for steel purlins and Timbertex Zacs 4 for timber purlins. The use of these fasteners will dramatically increase the lifespan of the roof sheeting as corrosion caused by fasteners is avoided.
Roof sheets must be laid with the narrow flute of one corrugation side lap uppermost and should be fixed through the crests of alternate flutes to purlins using 65 mm Top Speed or Tex screws into steel purlins and 90 mm Tex or Top speed screws in the case of timber roofs. All fasteners should incorporate 26 mm dia bonded washers.
For vertical wall cladding (side cladding) it is recommended that the broad fluted be fixed externally with the main and side lap fasteners in the web of the flutes. Side cladding can be fixed using 25 mm Tex or Top Speed screws. All fasteners should incorporate 26 mm dia bonded washers.
In order to qualify for a guarantee on Zincalume® and Colorbond® sheets the following fasteners supplied by Buildex Industries should be used:
Metaltex Climaseal 3 for steel purlins and Timbertex Zacs 4 for timber purlins. The use of these fasteners will dramatically increase the lifespan of the roof sheeting as corrosion caused by fasteners is avoided.
(*Thickness and material quality) Builders Express IBR (with/without) integral stiffening rib (*zinc coating) steel roof sheeting and accessories with (Chromadek®/Colorbond®/Colorplus®) finish on one side and protective primer coating on the reverse side fixed to (timber/steel) purlins or rails with a (*refer to table) spacing. All sheeting is to be clearly marked on the reverse side at one-metre intervals indicating thickness, material quality, coating thickness and paint system.The IBR Roof Sheeting Supplier in Zimbabwe:
Builders Express are trusted IBR Roof Sheeting suppliers in Zimbabwe, supplying construction companies and individuals in Zimbabwe and across the continent with quality steel building products. You can expect a professional service, affordable IBR Roof Sheeting prices, and a range of IBR Roof Sheeting in different sizes, dimensions and specifications.Trust the professional and experienced team at Builders Express to help you get the best IBR Roof Sheeting for your construction project needs. Speak to a professional consultant today for assistance, and to order the steel roof sheeting you require.
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